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Monday, September 1, 2008

I Was Robbed!!!!

When I run/walk I time myself to see that I am on track or to get a bit faster and I bought a watch to do this. I wear it faithfully on each run and sometimes I sit outside to cool down and take off my watch etc. The other day I did this and put some dog cookies that the foxes like on the table along with my watch and never thought about it until I went to look for my watch today for my 10 K run. Couldn't find it anywhere and I looked. I started to think it was me and my poor memory but I still couldn't find it. Then I started to think that maybe I left it outside and then I thought about the foxes. They have a histroy of picking non-food items and trying to trot off with them. Sierra's camera and Rejean's smokes have been carried off by them but discovered in time to make them drop it. The watch may have had salt on it and easy on the mouth so I just bet they carried my watch away and buried it. I am looking on the ground for fresh burial sites. But so far no luck. Today on my 10Ker I have an approximate time of 1 hour and 13 minutes which is right on for my 5k time. It was not as bad as I thought it would be - I did have to stop and talk to two people who stopped on the road to "rescue" me. Ron asked if I was running into town (ha ha) and Phyllis was starting to open the door for me but I refused politely and continued on. Rejean passed me with about 6 minutes left on my run. With Cold Water. He meets me at the Post to pick me up. Then we worked on the vapour barrier in the addition for the morning then we just relaxed the rest of the beautiful day. We are getting our summer right now - absolutely wonderful. And the colors have started - there is getting to be a nice display of colors. It will be a good fall.
Went to Wharncliffe for a bush party on Saturday nite - at Robin and Randy's. There were people spleeping over nite with their tents and pop-up trailers - we didn't - I like to be near a bathroom . Sat around a big camp fire and just yakked. A good nite. It was right back in the woods.
Tomorrow more work then Wednesday Ron, Darlene and us are going visiting on Basswood Lake - Plain Jane and her husband Les invited us over for a cruise on their Lake. I've never been - I wonder if they'll let me troll....
That's it folks - more tomorrow.
See Ya Bye

ps - our bake sale sold out and with all our pies, bake sales etc we have raised over $600 with one more on the 26th of September which I'll work then the next day I get to man the dump - that will be an experience

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