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Friday, September 5, 2008

Technical Difficulties

I have been trying to get on my blog for 1/2 hour but just can't seem to get through - that is one of the reasons I have been delinquent lately in my blog - sometimes I just can't sit around and wait for the blogsite to decide it wants to let me thru....sorry - sometimes you just have to rant.
About my first pontoon boat ride - sorry to say it was too windy to take the boat out - there were whitecaps on Basswood Lake - so we just sat around and talked and laughed. Rejean had burned an oldies disc for Plain Jane and she loved it. We had a delicious meal of stuffed pork chops, beans and potatoes, salad and blueberry pie - YUM YUM.
Today I went to Vickie's house - she lives on Poverty Lane - yes there is a road in Wharncliffe called Poverty Lane and actually quite a few people live on that road. We were baking - finishing up the meat pies and then we made 20 doz perogies - we have orders for 140 doz!!!! I have never made them before but Phyllis said I am going to learn. I mixed the potatoes with the cheese, put the filling on the little circles then sealed them - it was quite the production line. There was Vickie, Phyllis, Debbie, Robin and Ashley and me. I really enjoy our baking days - not only am I learning all the secrets but I totally enjoy the company. I have lots of friends up here.
Debbie lives across the road from Vickie and she rode over on her 2 person four wheeler with her yellow lab Bo in the passenger seat followed by two other big dogs from the neighbourhood. Debbie and her entourage.
Vickie has 2 beehives on her property and they were collecting the honey last week - very interesting to watch. I think she said they collected 85 pounds of honey from the two hives and was it ever good - not like the store bought stuff - it had an earthy taste.
When I got home I helped Rejean put up the drywall panels on the ceiling - 12 foot ones - we had a lift as we could never have lifted them into place. Tomorrow we put up the cement boards in the shower and blow insullation into the attic with the machine - I have to feed the hopper - sounds like fun.
Joanne and Mitch from Calgary are in Wallaceburg for Sandy's daughter's wedding then on Sunday they pick up Sue and Jack then head to Tobermorie for the night - then catch the first ferry for their final leg of the journey up here - can't wait for them to get here. The weather is not supposed to be the best but it doesn't matter.
Time to head upstairs for the evening.
See Ya Bye

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