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Thursday, February 26, 2009


It certainly is a long winter - we are supposed to get more snow tonite with very windy conditions. Oh well - that's what life is like up here. It is a bit depressing. Spring can't be too far away, can it? I hope not.
Yesterday we attended a meeting of the Forest Management Plan 2010-2020. It was just an information meeting so interested parties can see what the plan is for the next ten years for the forests around here. You have a chance to see what they want to do and you offer your suggestions and hopefully, we will come to some sort of compromise.
Tomorrow or Saturday, I head off to town for some stuff - ValueMart is having a sale so it is off to town I go.
I may have a new reader - my nephew Sean. HI SEAN!!
We are expecting 5-10 cm more snow with very high winds tonite so maybe I won't be going anywhere.
See Ya By

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