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Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yes the continuing saga of my life continues - I timed it this morning and from the time I turned on my laptop to when I am actually typing this, it took 10 minutes - Yawn. I filled up my vitamin trays in that time. I also made my bed and brushed my teeth. Do you feel my pain. I have learned to have a lot of patience. But I am not complaining (I am learning not to complain or find fault - I haven't made it thru a day but I am trying).
OK back to my life. Where am I? Yes 11:15 - on the way back from the mailbox I stopped at the garage where Rejean is ALWAYS working on something. Today he is putting the raised panel doors together for the little shelves in the workout room that will house the cots, bedding for the cots and the snowshoes. I knew he wouldn't let me help so I filled up his wood pile from his wood shed - and being in the mood, I also filled up mine. It is all part of my daily exercises - I fill the wheelbarrow and sheel it into the garage (or house) and unload on the wood piles. I can't wait til spring to cut the new firewood we will need to feed 3 wood stoves (yea right)

Thanks for mentioning my blog Stacey - it is like being Blog Of the Day!!

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