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Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is the new high speed stick from Bell - and it is portable - you can take it from one computer to another. And I now know how many kb in a gb. It is 1024 kb=1mb and 1024 mb=1gb. So I have lots of kbs and mbs to work with. As of this moment I have used 3mbs and it has been installed since Tuesday nite. I am happy with it.
Just worked on more pine today - baseboards and window framing for the rooms downstairs. Rejean is spending time on the shower - figuring out the drain slope and stuff. We should be in a position to start tiling once the tiles are in next week.
The wind is almost non-existent today - but yesterday was a different story - there were gusts of up to 98k/hr in the Sault. All the highways in and out were closed due to the road conditions and the schools were keeping the kids in class because the buses couldn't ring them home. We didn't loose power but Wharncliff did for 3 hours. It could have been worse I suppose but we were lucky.
Spring break is next week so all of you who are heading south or north enjoy.
See Ya By
ps - I can now post my pictures the way Stacey told me to - finally

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