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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Doesn't it look like a rabbit with the ears? I'm not playing with my food - it just happened to look like this. Guess what it is....YES it is walley!!! Rejean got 2 small ones last night and we had them for dinner. I cooked up some Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice and my glass of white wine. We ate the salad earlier. But was it ever good!!! Finally a fish dinner. There were about 16 guys out fishing and Rejean and a couple of other guys were the only ones who caught something. Just real slow. But tomorrow the season ends for the walley until mid May. They are spawning (s-e-x).

I have only one more coat of the high gloss varathane on the cabinet tops. Just a light sanding then that final coat. Finished. Rejean started in the shower - he put some concrete down just to ensure the slope is correct. Then the waterproof membrane, the mortar and then the tiles. Piece of cake. Only tomorrow I will be working all day at the Wharncliffe Hall. Cleaning after the new hall was built. Everything in the kitchen has to be washed down - all the dust and not being used in a year and a half. We will be very busy. Then maybe dinner at Ozzy's.

I won't be turning my computer on tomorrow - apparently there may be a big "worm" invading computers so I don't want it to be one of mine. Talk to you on Thursday.

See Ya By

1 comment:

Burke said...

tell ray that i expect more walleye and a fish fry next time we are up, looked good