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Tuesday, December 22, 2009


We hit Costco this morning and it was busy - our cart was F U L L. But we only purchased what we had on our list (plus a couple of extras) - at the check-out I like to hazard a guess as to the total of the bill - well I was off by about $80 but in the right hundred - I won't mention how many but they always try and get me to sign up for the Executive Membership - I wonder why????
Then we hit Canadian Tire - the snowmobile helmets were on sale so we tried them on - good thing no one was around to see us. There was a box on the top shelf that we needed so I held the cart and Rejean climbed into the cart to reach it - not once but twice as we also needed another one on the top shelf. I thought they had security cameras in these stores - I am surprised no one came running to tell us to stop. We ended up with two helmets that fit and the price was right. Every time we come to Windsor we spend $$$$. At the Dollar Store my toothpaste is $2 per tube - a bargain I can't beat even in the states so I bought 8. We stock up on everything when the price is right. You have to when you live in the bush.
Tomorrow is my luncheon with the retirees. It will be good to see everyone again - I will take my camera and document the event. Then it is an evening with Chris and Egon - Egon just had arthroscopic (?) surgery on his knee so I know he won't be up and about just yet.
Then it is Christmas Eve and an evening with the family. Traditions like that are hard to miss. We exchange gifts with a $15 limit - it takes the pressure off trying to find the "right" gift. We also do that with the immediate family - we all chip in and give the $$ to a charity then we also have a $15 limit for the gifts to each other. This year I got to pick out the charity up north - there are a lot of families "in need" in our area. We have everything we need and instead of buying each other gifts we may not need, we help others who aren't as fortunate.
Christmas dinner at Rejean's mom's place - she wants to cook this year - I will make the cranberries - boxing day a day of rest and leftovers and then we take off on Sunday to my sister's place in Gorrie. Spend the nite there and then off for home on Monday. A hectic holiday, as usual. Just enough time to rest up for New Year's Eve on Axe Lake - an event I don't want to miss.
See ya By

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