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Sunday, September 19, 2010


As promised a picture of the finished roof - and they had a nice day to do it. Looks great - what do you think? And it is also the first picture taken on my new Fuji Finepix AV190 I picked up at Walmart on sale for $79!! Plus the memory card and carrying case I spent about $106. But I have always wanted a smaller camera - one that could fit in my pocket - I like my other camera but it is big and bulky and not always the easiest to carry around on a hike. I think the picture came out fine - my only complaint about the camera is that you have to delete one picture at a time - there is no delete all mode that I have on my other camera. Oh well - you get what you pay for. But I think the picture quality is fine for what I need it for. It's a keeper!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see the boys are working hard and not hardly working. Tell my Grandpa I said hi and that we will all miss him at dinner tonight!! See ya soon aunt Janet!!
