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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Rejean and Rick saw a small bear cub - from this spring - between our place and Ute's. It was on our side of the highway on the bush side of the ditch. Now either the mother was not far away or she has been shot or she has pushed him out on his own. And Ron saw a 2 year old cub at their place taking the bird feeder under his arm and heading back into the bush. There are a lot of bears around. I hope that the mother is not around because I wouldn't want to surprise her with her cub. And Susan, I promise to carry the air horn everywhere I go. Just for you. Thanks for your concern.
We haven't seen our little bear around but we did discover an overturned solar light yesterday. And my fox hasn't been around lately and I have some left over prime rib and ham for him. If he doesn't come around soon, my ravens will be happy.

See ya By

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