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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I don't know about your areas but we had one hell of a storm right around dinner time. I was at the Hall all day (doing pies, of course) and it rained all day long and the wind was a'howling. A good day to be indoors. After we were finished, I had to deliver Roger's pies to him on Axe Lake. I had to drive around fallen branches and small trees - there was one that I know someone had to take a chain saw to. I kept my eye on any large trees by the side of the road - they can do real damage to a passing auto and it's occupant. But I survived to deliver the pies. He ordered one of each which equals 5 pies. $35. It was quite windy along the highway but I made it home. During dinner, it just poured and the winds were horrible. I have never seen the lake so turbulent. White caps!!! Then, all of a sudden, there were some real high velocity gusts - I thought for sure that some of our trees would be down but they held their ground. The top and bottom of our fire pit kind of disappeared down the driveway. Rejean pulled out chairs from the front of the house to the side out of the wind. Or I don't know where we would have found them. I know what one of my chores is tomorrow - picking up all the branches and pine cones that are now littering my front yard.

And I have to pack tomorrow - for my vacation in St Pete Beach Florida!!! Yes boys and girls, it is that time of year again when I get out of Dodge when the hunters come up. Barry and Eddie will be here on Friday - I am leaving on Thursday, picking up my sister Susan in Listowel, then driving to Windsor Friday morning - dentist at 2pm and a retirement party for John Davenport at the Essex Golf and Country Club!! Then flying out of Detroit at 8am on Saturday and I will be in the sun, on the beach, with my cocktail in hand by at least 1pm. My other sister, Joanne, will by flying into Tampa from Calgary and meeting us at the "resort". We will have her cocktail waiting for her...Cheers!!

See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like you and your sisters are going to have a great trip