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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Needless to say it has been hot up here too.  Even Boots is hot - he was around last nite for dinner and he was panting like a dog - his little tongue was hanging out and he was breathing quite heavily.  I put some cool water in a bowl for him but I don't think he knew what to do with it.  He took a couple of sips but then went for the other goodies in the other bowl.  After, he sprawled out on the trap rock to cool off - I have never seen him lie down like this.  Later, he was laying under a tree in the shade on the pine needles.  After about a hour, he woke up, stretched and went on his way.  I haven't seen him today yet.  Hope he's staying cool.
We have been in the "pool" today and again after dinner.  It is HOT but not as hot as Windsor or Toronto.  37 degrees and 45 with the humidex!!!  WTF.  We don't have air conditioning up here but it is comfortable none the less.  We close all the blinds and close the windows and keep the ceiling fans on and it seems to do the trick.

Stay Cool...


Meagan said...

He's so cute!

Jhbikerchic said...

I want one :)

Jhbikerchic said...
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