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Saturday, July 7, 2012


A busy day at the Hall getting ready for the big dinner tomorrow nite - I cleaned 100 pounds of chicken - separating the legs from the thighs - 180 pieces - and not a cut on me and the knife was sharp!!   But while all this chicken cutting was going on, Phyllis was working on her pies.  Yesterday she made and baked her shells for the cream pies she made today - chocolate, butterscotch, banana cream, pumpkin, lemon and then she made the meringue - I swear she piles it 3 inches high!!  And she let me lick the last bowl of the day.  Tomorrow she will make her fruit pies - by the end of the afternoon tomorrow she will have made enough pies to feed over 150 people.

She is a master pie maker and I am in awe.

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Butterscotch and banana cream pie! OH my! I can't imagine making all those pies! You guys really work hard on the dinners!