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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We got to experience a bit of Hurricane Sandy up here albeit a lot less severe than in southern Ontario I am sure.  But the wind is still howling like mad right now and it was going on all last nite and all day long - our power was out from about 6am till 2pm - thank goodness for wood stoves and Coleman coffee makers for over the gas stove.  We enjoyed our coffee in front of the wood stove this morning.  There was lots of debris around and the plows were out sanding the roads as it was a bit frosty this morning.
We headed over to Joanne and Mitch's to check that their place was ok and it was - and no mice to be found anywhere.
Our satellite tv is on the blink right now - I was hoping to watch the news tonite to see how things turned out on the east coast - from the Internet pictures, it is like hell.  I just can't imagine how they will ever restore things back to normal but I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.  People are tough and resilient - I have no doubts that everything will be ok eventually.
My travel plans have not changed - I am out of here on Thursday heading to Windsor for the start of my vacation.  Friday we head over to Detroit for some afternoon pre shopping, get our hotel room and then fly out on Saturday morning for St Pete Beach.  And the weather looks great!!
The hunters are arriving Friday to get set up for opening day - Monday.  We even went out today to check that the blinds have not blown away - they are safe and in place.

See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't wait-ss