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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Well the weather outside is frightful.  Actually it is nice.  The sun is shining but it was bitterly cold this morning - all day as a matter of fact.  I always know it is cold because my nostrils stick together when I breath outside and they did on my way down to the garage this morning.  The birds were all puffed up waiting for their food but the squirrels could care less.  We had the 2 Hairy or Downy woodpeckers at the suet today - I get the two mixed up so let's just call them woodpeckers.

Off topic but just a question.  Am I the only one (actually Rejean did not know either) who had to Google what a MILF was this morning?  They were talking about it on Canada AM this morning where a radio talk show host from BC was fired because he asked a guest if she enjoyed being a MILF - she laughed and said it didn't bother her. The panel was discussing it as tho it was common knowledge and they never stopped to clue us clueless people in.  What is a MILF?  Well now I know - do you?  If not, just Google it.  I guess when you live in the boonies you don't pick up the current lingo very well.

Anything else I don't know?  Let me know.

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