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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Not the best picture but you can see the poof of snow produced from the boiling water thrown over the balcony.
 It was a cold one again today - I went to the Sault  and the temperature hit -32 according to my car temperature indicator.  I finally remembered to use my car seat heater.  Niiiice.
The temperature is supposed to warm up (read -17) for the next couple of days - downright balmy.
But hey, it is Northern Ontario.  I would rather have these cold temperatures than the big thaw we had a couple of weeks ago.  This is real winter weather!!!  Fur hats and all.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

I love my car seat heater, use it all the time in winter.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your experiment with us, pretty neat!!! Picture is great too, lots of movement and I can see a snow dragon...
On he road again....first time ever I have crossed the USA border ALLBYMYSELF..I am finally all grown up, Ute

Anonymous said...

awesome photo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, that is real cool, who would have lunk it.