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Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Yes, I canned today.  Antipasto.  With Mary.
Last year we sampled Mary's antipasto and I raved about it and plans were made for her to help me with a batch this year.  Today was the day.  Lots of prep.  I blanched (new for me) and rough chopped 12 cups of tomatoes and diced 2 red, green and yellow peppers.  For those who know me, I hate peppers but Mary convinced me that the flavours would blend with the other stuff.  OK.  Mary did the onions and celery and garlic.  She also made up the spice packets while I dealt with the peppers.  Oh to be able to chop as they do on the Food Channel...
You can see the results of our 5 1/2 hour day.
And to tell you the truth, I kinda enjoyed it.  And I know the results are delicious.  I discovered the tools you need to make canning easy.  Guess what I will be asking Santa for this year...

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