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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


There was a family reunion that we attended over the weekend in Barry's Bay and both Stacey and Jodie were able to be there.  Jodie has been teaching in Calgary for the past few years and Stacey has been in London (and St Catharines and Priceville) also for the past couple of years.
Jodie was in town on her way to Abu Dhabi - leaving tonite at 10:30 to join her husband Dave for the next couple of years.  And Stacey on her way to Calgary tonite as well to join her husband Andrew.  They will be living in Calgary for the next few years.  So the reunion was a perfect time to say their good byes.
We'll stay in touch by all the devices we have available to us and I believe a trip to Abu Dhabi is in my future in the year 2015.  I hear they have beautiful beaches and the fishing is good too.  Strangely, I am looking forward to it...

Safe travels girls.  I love you both with all my heart.

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