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Wednesday, December 27, 2017


The boys and their Christmas gifts from Grandma and Pappa aka Rejean and I.
It is very expensive to send anything over to Abu Dhabi so I send Jodie E-transfers for their birthday and Christmas presents.  I let Jodie decide what to get them as I haven't a clue what kids want and she hit a bull's eye with these pedal bikes as the British call them.  As soon as they unwrapped them they were excited.  "A Bike A Bike" was all they could say.  They knew what to do immediately and thankfully they live in a rather large condo so they were able to get some practice in before they hit the road so to speak.  And they knew how to ring the bell on the bike too.  Toys that make noise!!!

I hope they know how to stop...

Monday, December 18, 2017


My My My  What a difference a year makes!  I couldn't find any more Santa pictures of the kids.  The top one is the most recent one and the one below I think is from last year.
I think they are enjoying Santa - Jodie says they love him.   They may realize that Santa brings them treats.

Sunday, December 17, 2017


It had been in the planning stages for a few months - a surprise 70th birthday party for Roger.  Ute let us know well in advance about the plans for the party and it went off without a hitch.  John and Rejean took Roger to the Legion from 3pm til 5pm while Ute finished off the decorations and Linda and I went over at around 4 to lend a hand.  I was in charge of the cheese "butcher block" tray.  Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
I met a lot of new people from town - people I have seen but never knew who they were and a lot of friends from up the highway.
There were lots of munchies and the catered food arrived just at the right time.  Delicious!  My first time eating a Turducken - turkey, duck and chicken all rolled into one.
Roger enjoyed his gifts as a lot of them were bottles of booze - which he likes.  I gave him a biker t-shirt from Florida and he liked that - because there was also a bottle of vodka wrapped up in the t-shirt.
Such a fun time with friends especially at this time of year.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The monthly Ladies' Luncheon was held today in beautiful downtown Blind River at the 17 Restaurant in our own private room.  26 beautiful local ladies showed up to enjoy each others' company.  Plus there was a gift exchange which we got out of the way first thing.  I picked number 9 (or 6 but Linda already had number 6) and I received two beautiful Christmas ornaments in a nice reusable bag and some nice new paper that I will reuse.  Considering how many there were of us, we all received our food fairly quick.  My toasted Western on their home made bread was delicious.
After lunch we walked along the main street and looked at other stores in town.
When I got home Rejean told me about some ice formations on the lake by the beaver dam.  I went down to get some pictures - they looked like feathers had been dropped all over the little bay.  I am sure they won't be there tomorrow so got some nice shots.  It has been cold here - this morning it was -30 in Wharncliffe - all the lakes are making ice.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


We put the last of the 4 wheelers away and got the Snow machine in the garage ready to go out when the snow gets a bit deeper.  We got a snowmobile trailer last year so hopefully this year we will be able to transport our machine to the trails we purchase Trail Passes to so we can use the trails.
And a picture of one of our "crop circles" that we have on our lake.  It is freezing up nicely after today when it is still -16 out there with a good stiff wind.  It was cold walking to get the mail.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It is -10 outside and the wind is blowing the snow and ice around - looks a lot like winter up here.  The lake was frozen over about 80% last week but with the rain we got and the milder temperatures, the ice has sort of shrunk.  But with these temperatures it is making ice.
I have my show tires on and all my winter hats and scarves and gloves are handy so I am ready.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


It is a Christmas tradition that my M-I-L Claire,  bakes/cooks tourtiere pies and gives them out as gifts to her children and grandchildren and D-I-Ls like me.  This year they set a record of 36 pies in 4 1/2 hours - all hand made and home made pastry in a home with one oven.  Talk about a production line.
This year Matthew helped out Anne, Nikki and Claire.  I hope to make the team next year if they give me about two days notice to make the trip down to Windsor.
And usually earlier in the year they make a good batch of chili sauce to accompany the meat pies.
It is a gift of Love that you can eat and enjoy and savour every mouthful.

I look forward to Christmas Eve for my first taste of this year's pies.  They will be delicious!!

Monday, November 27, 2017


On our shopping day in Florida, Joanne came across this picture in one of the stores.  She didn't buy it at first - she had to tell us about it and we made her go back and look at it again.  Needless to say it was an easy sell.

It is us

I have actual photos of us like this on the beach but this picture says it best of all.  It is why we go to Florida.  We all enjoy the beach so much and our time together spent at the beach is so blissful.  So relaxing watching the waves and the people and the birds and the boats and people floating in the air behind powerboats held aloft by a big parachute.  Our toes in the sand or the water.  Our matching drink cups filled to the brim before we came down because it is a long walk back for a refill.  All in our different colour bathing suits sitting on colourful hand me down beach chairs left by last weeks guests at the hotel.

 We will have to work on our hats for next year, ladies.  I think straw would be nice to have.

Susan said she was the one on the left checking her phone and Joanne was on the right in her new blue bathing suit.  I guess that leaves me in the middle - right where I belong - surrounded by my Sisters whom I love very much.  I can't wait 'til next year

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Well it is all over for this year - our annual Scott Sisters' St Pete Beach vacation.  Two weeks of beautiful weather, delicious food and thirst quenching drinks.  The beautiful sunsets every nite we viewed with our cocktails in our new drink cups courtesy of Charlie and Monty who sent us some money to buy them from the resort.  They are Tervis thermal cups which kept our drinks very very cold.  Thank you Charlie and Monty!!
Mornings were spent walking - or trollying - to breakfast then back to the Bon Aire for our sun bathing which we did all afternoon.  It was glorious.
Mitch came with us this year and he worked out very well and is welcome back anytime.  Altho he didn't get us too many drinks or carry all our purchases for us.  But he did drive us shopping one day.
We scooped some beach chairs early on and made good use of them down by the water where it was much cooler with the breezes and it afforded us the best place to people watch.  We also got some tubes that Susan and Joanne played with in the water.
The last picture is of our feet showing our pedicures - Susan has the blue toes and Joanne has the pink toes - I am the coral colour with the ankle bracelet on - which goes on the first day and comes off the last day.  Just a tradition I like to stick with.
Reservations are all made for next year same time and same place but a different section of the resort for our room.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I think the Scott Sisters got their love of motorcycles from our Father.  When we were in St Pete Beach we took in the First Annual St Pete Beach Bike Fest held at the Tradewinds resort.  I have never seen so many bikes - the majority of them Harley Davidson's with a few other models scattered here and there.  There were thousands - they put plastic down on the tennis courts and parked some bikes there.  There were a ton them ready for the auction held on Friday and Saturday.  There was a tent set up for the "custom" bikes.  The bike in the last picture had a 34" front wheel and the owner drove it on the highway from New Port Richie.  They had tents set up for t-shirts and patches and all sorts of leather gear.  Helmets and bike parts were everywhere.  And the noise!!!!  It was amazing.  I love the sound of a Harley.  You can feel it in your bones.  St Pete Beach has one main street - Gulf Blvd - and I could have set up my beach chair out on the sidewalk and watched all the bikes go by.  An amazing sight to see.  And Hear!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


We shopped from 9am until 8:30 including 45 minutes for dinner at Dockside Dave’s for a delicious Grouper dinner. Mitch was our driver and he lasted the whole day shopping with the Scott Sisters. Our trunk was full. We know all the good places to go on Tuesdays -all the stores that have senior discounts and Tuesday discounts plus all our coupons. We made out like bandits!!
We made up for our missed day on the beach today. Sue and I had yougurt for breakfast so we could be out on the beach early while Joanne and Mitch returned the car. It was a glorious day and we finished the day by sitting in our beach chairs down by the water then enjoyed the sunset after our showers with cocktails in hand. Our dinner tonite was at Hurricane’s. The girls split some Grouper tacos and Mitch had a Grouper fish and chip dinner. We could see the trolley stop from the restaurant so we knew when to leave. I had to run back and get Sue’s Levi jacket she forgot in the restaurant. We finished the night with Fireball shots down by the beach and now we are all tucked in and getting much needed rest for tomorrow’s festivities -the Biker Rally - there are already a bunch of bikers riding up and down Gulf Avenue. Love the sound of the Harley’s But there are a ton of the 3 wheelers all done up with lights and flags and beautiful people riding - most without helmets which is funny to see.
By the way I did see some faux leather jackets shopping yesterday that were very reasonable but Joanne and Sue didn’t want to get them. Party Poopers!!!

Monday, November 13, 2017


No pictures yet but those will be when I get home. Having an amazing time with my Sisters and Mitch who is fitting in just fine. Tomorrow is our shopping day. We have mapped out our route and expect to be on the road in our rental car by 9am.
This Thursday there is a Bike Fest down at the Trade Winds Resort with free beach concerts featuring Vince Neil who sang for Montley Crüe. The. Festival is all weekend long so it should be great entertainment seeing all the bikes and the bikers!!  There is wet t-shirt contests and bikini contests and a great display of all the Harley’s and Indians and Triumps etc.
I think I will look for something leather tomorrow to wear...

Pictures next week

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


The boys all dressed up as Super Heros - Charlie on the left and Monty on the right and - I am going out on a limb here - but I think that is Dave the Dad in the middle.  Just guessing.

The boys just love dinosaurs!!  Well Done!

Monday, October 30, 2017


I almost forgot to roll all my coinage!!!  All year I save all the coins I can get my hands on - if I see it, I take it and into the jar it goes for my Florida vacation.  This year I got $257 Canadian dollars which is pretty good.  Back in the old days when both of us were working,  I would get close to $1000 from all the coins in the jar.
The Scott Sister's Florida trip is coming up at the end of this week.  This year Mitch is coming with us.  He thinks he is just going to be relaxing on the beach with us but he will be working.  He will carry all our packages when we go shopping, he will take our pictures (from all 3 cameras or I-phones) and refresh our drinks during the day.  Well, maybe we won't work him that hard.  It will be fun having Mitch with us this year.


We bought Ron and Mary's fifth wheel trailer and another friend bought ours.  They were both exchanged and delivered yesterday so now everyone is happy.  Ron and Mary already had another fifth wheel Jayco.
We have enjoyed our little trailer for a number of years but knew that we needed a bit more room in our "golden" years.  The new trailer has a bump out for the kitchen table and couch area.  We sat  7 people in it one night and it wasn't crowded in the least.
Next spring we will get it out and clean it and start stocking all the stuff you need to be comfortable back up at Hinckler.
We will have to flip a coin to see where we play cards at night after our days of hunting and fishing.  Ron is always my partner.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Last night was the fish fry at the Thessalon Legion - the last Friday of every month except December, July and August.  It was raining so I didn't think the turnout would be that good but boy was I wrong. We have a special table set up for us downstairs near the bar.  Al, the former bartender, has been doing this for our gang for years.  There is a white plastic table cloth and salt shakers placed on the table.  Linda requested some extra tables and chairs be set up as there was going to be more of us than usual.  There had to be over 30 of us show up and everyone had a place to sit.
The first picture is of the wine pours at the Legion.  You really get a full glass of wine.  Always!!
The next picture is of our gang - and still some showed up after this picture was taken.  Everyone has such a good time visiting and catching up on stuff going on.
The next picture is of the line up that reached all the way back to the front door.  You have to stand in line to get your meal.  You can take your drinks up while you are waiting.  the line moves pretty good and it gives you a chance to see everyone who is there.  It is part of the tradition.  the next picture is of the end of the line.  You pick up your paper plate and napkin and cutlery at the start.  Then on to the pickles, buns, cole slaw, baked potatoes, butter and tartar sauce.  You usually have time to fix your potato while waiting for the fish.  And it is fresh out of the fryer.  Only 4 people can be served at a time and you usually get 4 good size pieces - but last nite we only got 3 as the crowd was so big they were afraid they would run out (they didn't so people could go back up for more).  Then at the end of your meal there is vanilla ice cream in a cup and either (or both) strawberry or butterscotch topping for desert.
The last picture is of my plate last nite and I apologize for the ketchup on the fish but I happen to like it that way.  I have no idea when it started but I like it.
It was slow getting out of there last nite.  Everyone is visiting with everyone and saying goodbye and making plans to meet later or next year.  Mark and Pam and Brent and Nat were leaving and wouldn't be back until next year.  And Joanne and Mitch are leaving next week - with me - to Florida!!!!