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Tuesday, May 16, 2017


We celebrated the marriage of Matthew and Nicole this weekend in Windsor.  What a great day it was!!  The wedding party and family arrived on a city bus.  Far better than a limo - it held everyone and they had it for the whole day.  The procession was led by children of the wedding party and it was so cute.  Everyone was laughing and the kids were perfect.  The pastor was an uncle to the bride so everything was very relaxed and flowed between the serious and humorous.  The pastor commented that you would never know they had rehersed the ceremony only two days before.  But it was perfect and suited the bride and groom perfectly.

And then there was the reception!!!!!  Held at the Caboto Club in Windsor.  It was rip roaring fun.  The food was typical Caboto food - delicious and plentiful.  There were 219 people filling the room.  And the bar was open!!  I think some people just parked themselves at the bar and didn't move all night.  The two bartenders were amazing - they kept the drinks flowing all night long and poured some very generous shots of Fireball for me.  The Mother of the Bride, Chris, enjoys Fireball too so I searched until I found her and shared some shots with her.  We are now Sisters of the Fireball.  Her turn searching me out came later but they had run out of Fireball so we drank something else.  I don't know what it was but it was good.
My nephew Steve is a professional photographer who does a lot of weddings.  He said it was the youngest crowd he has seen at a wedding and the bartenders had never seen such drinking at a wedding before.  Something to be proud of I am sure.
Matthew just graduated from Michigan State University last week from the College of Osteopathic Medicine so he invited a "few" of his classmates so if you needed a doctor...
The dance floor never emptied all night long.  Matthew even got in a dance with his great grandmother who was seated in a walker.  At Last played as he gently rolled her around on her chair around the dance floor - I don't think there was a dry eye in the place after that.
Pierre offered to be our designated driver so I could enjoy a few drinks and not have to worry about how I was getting home.  I am usually the designated driver and I must say it enhanced my enjoyment of the evening a lot.

It was a beautiful day to watch two people surrounded by people who love them start their lives in such a loving way.  I wish them nothing but joy in their lives together.

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