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Thursday, May 18, 2017


Well Turtles, Sandhill Cranes and Chipmunks.  I took my camera with me this morning to town and happened upon these two Sandhills walking along the side of the road.  I remember when I first saw these types of birds I had no idea what they were.  I thought they were ostriches that had escaped from a zoo or something and when I first heard them - well you have to know what they sound like - like nothing you have ever heard before.
And I saw a Painted Turtle by the side of the road so I pulled over and rescued him.  I took him/her across the road in the direction it was facing and down the hill to the water.  I hope it wasn't looking to lay her eggs in the gravel by the side of the road as they do.  Oh well.  I meant well.
And we were over at Mitch and Joanne's getting their water turned on and who should show up?  Chippy the Chipmunk looking for Mitch to feed him peanuts.  He is going to have to wait until tomorrow evening when they come in.  I have already notified Mitch to have the peanuts ready...

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