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Saturday, September 29, 2018


Getting ready for winter seems to be a year long adventure for us.  We finally got all our wood done and in the wood sheds including the kindling - my favourite part of doing the wood.  I love the way the slabs of cedar "POP" when it is dry and you split them just so.  It's a good thing I like it because it is a very long boring task.  But done finally.
Rick and Rejean blew the pine needles the other day after the big wind we had.  There is still some on the trees but the majority came down.
Joanne and I got a picture of the perfectly round rock Ron and Mary found on their property.  Mary said I couldn't have it so I will admire it from a distance.  It is a beautiful rock.
Got a picture of a neat mushroom on the road to the other garage.  There are lots of species out right now after all the rain we have had.  All different.
And finally, the colours are starting up here.  It seems that all of a sudden they are changing.  They should be beautiful for the next week or longer.  All depends on the weather.  But right now they are beautiful!

Monday, September 24, 2018


Finally got a trip up to Hinckler after our first attempt ended in new back brakes on the truck.  We only got as far as Lafoe that time - all packed up and we had to turn around and come home and unpack.  Waiting for the weather to co-operate was frustrating for our next trip but we decided to go and chance the 40% light rain prediction for Sunday.  Packed up and headed out on Saturday morning, set up and then headed out for a run.  Saw one bird but it disappeared into the bush like magic.  Had an early dinner and out again when Rick got the one and only bird.
Back at the trailer, we discovered a furnace problem i.e. no heat at all.  We had a couple of ceramic heaters which could only run when the generator was on and when the 40% light rain prediction came true, we decided to pack up and come home on Sunday, cutting our trip short by over a day.  Very frustrating but we did the right thing considering how cold and damp it was.
But on a high note, on the way out we saw a young wolf and a young bull moose (I did not have my camera ready to take the best picture of him standing broadside and looking at us)  By the time I had my camera out I got a shot of him cantering down the road away from us but you can still see him pretty good.  Those sightings made up for the disappointment of coming home early.

Better luck next time...

Thursday, September 20, 2018


What a fun time we had with Roger and Ute at their lake house on Ute's birthday.  She had a Raclette dinner party.  I had never heard of this and thought it was a kind of fondue.  It was better!!
There were so many different cheeses to choose from along with shrimp and ham, mushrooms and pineapple, onions and peppers.  It got off to a slow start I think because we all were no too sure of what to do but by the end of the dinner we were all experts.  People were stealing other people's shrimps and reaching across each other to ensure they got the food they were after.  I had my doubts about Mitch having enough to eat but he was pretty full by the end of the meal as we all were.
We barely made it out to the beach for the sunset and instead of candles, Ute got fireworks on her birthday.
A good time was had by all.  Good friends, family and food and drink - not necessarily in that order.


Years ago we came across Pitcher Plants growing in a swampy area near where we live.  I have never seen them anywhere else around here.  A few days ago Joanne and I came across them again in the same general area and I took some pictures of them.
They go by a few different names:  turtle sox or side saddle flower and they are carnivorous!!!
We made sure not to step on them and left them where they were.  I am sure I would not be successful were I to try and transplant them to my swampy area.  Hopefully whoever else discovers them will leave them be as well.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Here we have a Tree Frog hiding under a cushion at Roger and Ute's Lake house.  We took a quick look and then covered him up again.  I think he is a good distance away from a tree...

We were heading down Axe Lake road the other day and came across this little guy by the side of the road sleeping.  His head was all curled up under his wing and it really looked like he had no head - all the feathers just folded on top of each other in place.  We made a bit of a noise and he still didn't move.  Finally he looked at us but didn't act afraid at all.  He just sat there waiting for us to leave.  He was a young hawk and was probably waiting for his parents to find him or come back for him.  It was fun to be so close to such an amazing creature.  We left him alone.

We spotted this painted turtle on one of our quad rides - he was just basking in the sun and far enough away that he paid no attention to us.  I am sure he would be faster than us getting away if we tried to catch him.  

Monday, September 10, 2018


... and they're off to change the world.  Two little boys who I love with all my heart are so excited to get going.  It will be a new school for them and new friends and new adventures.  But they look like they are raring to go.
Little Monty Moo and Charley Barley - stay safe

Saturday, September 8, 2018


So this happened on Friday.  Totally unexpected but I can learn to live with it.
It is a Jeep Compass Trail Hawk in Spitfire Orange.  It will go perfect with my blaze orange hunting outfits.  Or I can always put a green ribbon on the antenna and pretend it is a pumpkin.  All kidding aside, I love it.  It is totally not what I would usually even look at in a new car but I loved the way it looked and I love driving it.
I have driven a Jeep Patriot for the past 7 years and a Compass the previous 5 years.  This is the new model and I love it.  Totally not an inconspicuous vehicle.
When we went to pick up the bank draft on Friday we parked beside the exact same vehicle.  I peeked in the window and an elderly lady came up and asked if I liked her car.  I said I was just on my way to purchase one just like it.  She loved it.  It is a perfect car for us ladies of a certain age who want to still drive a fancy car.  And I am loving it.  Am I repeating myself?

Love my Jeeps!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


A "quiet" Labour Day up north.  After spending the day with unexpected but welcome company, Joanne and Mitch came over for dinner - my famous chicken parm - well, maybe not so famous but everyone enjoyed it.  I had stared drinking white wine that afternoon and continued into the evening but not fishing.  It made the day more funner.
After dinner we took Joanne and Mitch out for a boat ride and fishing expedition on Cheney.  I figured it was about time for them to catch some nice fish.  Action was very successful - Joanne got one right off the bat and the action didn't stop.  It took a while for me to get one but I did.  There were even a few double headers.  I netted one double header with two big bass in the same net.  That was fun.
The final two pictures we got a shot of the bass in mid air on Joanne's line.  All the bass were jumpers.  And a nice walleye in Joanne's hands.


...beef jerky that is.  A fresh batch of beef jerky was on the grill yesterday.  Joanne and I both bought  nice eye of round roasts and sliced them up on Sunday and got them marinating over nite.  They got theirs smoked yesterday but ours won't be done until today.  Too many batches to do in one day.  We are also smoking some venison jerky which I am really looking forward to.
Mitch and Joanne have a nice Traeger Smoker that they just got this year.  They smoked some pork butts for their pulled pork a few weeks ago and it was delicious.  Ribs and steaks have turned out amazing and they have a turkey waiting to be smoked sometime next week.  We liked it so much we have ordered a smaller version of theirs.
A wonderful new addition to the"grilling station" on Cheney.