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Monday, September 24, 2018


Finally got a trip up to Hinckler after our first attempt ended in new back brakes on the truck.  We only got as far as Lafoe that time - all packed up and we had to turn around and come home and unpack.  Waiting for the weather to co-operate was frustrating for our next trip but we decided to go and chance the 40% light rain prediction for Sunday.  Packed up and headed out on Saturday morning, set up and then headed out for a run.  Saw one bird but it disappeared into the bush like magic.  Had an early dinner and out again when Rick got the one and only bird.
Back at the trailer, we discovered a furnace problem i.e. no heat at all.  We had a couple of ceramic heaters which could only run when the generator was on and when the 40% light rain prediction came true, we decided to pack up and come home on Sunday, cutting our trip short by over a day.  Very frustrating but we did the right thing considering how cold and damp it was.
But on a high note, on the way out we saw a young wolf and a young bull moose (I did not have my camera ready to take the best picture of him standing broadside and looking at us)  By the time I had my camera out I got a shot of him cantering down the road away from us but you can still see him pretty good.  Those sightings made up for the disappointment of coming home early.

Better luck next time...

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