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Monday, April 8, 2019


It is that time of year up here that the maple syrup is running and all the Legions and churches and community halls have their pancake breakfasts.  For the past few years we have visited Gilbertson's on St Jos Island but have always said we should hit the Legion on the island.  This year we did.  We met Linda and John and Doug and Diane there at 11:30 and headed on in.  It was crowded to say the least but the lines went pretty fast.  When you first entered the dining area, there were pitchers on each table.  I at first thought it was beer and then thought maybe ice tea.  But it was the maple syrup!!  Each section had it's own pitcher of maple syrup!!  And to refill the pitchers, it was on tap!!  Never seen that before.  I grabbed a plate and filled it up with 3 pancakes (I gave one away) and 4 sausages (I gave one away) and smothered it all in maple syrup.
There were vendors selling maple syrup and their cost was 2 litres for $40.  I have already put in my order with a friend who makes it.  6 litres on order.  I give most away as gifts but manage to keep enough to do me the year.  Everything is better when it is dipped in maple syrup.

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