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Monday, April 1, 2019


I have been in a kind of "funk" lately - maybe because of the weather or just some of life stuff so when I heard Jessie Cook was coming to Sault St Marie in concert I booked me a couple of tickets.  He was appearing at the Sault Community Theatre Centre on March 31st.
I like his music - hard to define his style - a little bit of rumba, flamenco and jazz and his band members are just as talented.  A song you may be familiar with is Fall At Your Feet.  Google it and enjoy it on Utube.  Chris Church, a band member, does an amazing job.  It was their final song last night at the end of two encores.  The audience was on their feet and you could have heard a pin drop. They sang it with just Jessie on guitar and no microphones.  I had goosebumps and it did bring a tear to my eye.  One of my favourites.
I must admit it did improve my state of mind - it was such an enjoyable night.  I can't remember when we last went to a concert - I think it was the Rankin Family years and years ago at the Cleary.
Today, business as usual.
Joanne and I booked our flights to Abu Dhabi in June.  And I made some reservations at a hotel in Dubai for our 3 days of sightseeing.  Three nights, breakfasts, a drink when you first get to the hotel, transportation to the Burj and malls and fountain, 20% off your meals and drinks and room on the 26th to 32nd floor for the amazingly low price of $320 Canadian for all three nights!!!!  Bargoon!!!  And it is a 5 star hotel to boot.  With a pool!!  I am good!!

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