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Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Made the trip up the highway to get the trailer set up at Hinkler.  Continuing his habit of scooting past the exit point, Rejean missed the Hinkler road.  We had to travel up the highway to find a road to turn around.  I must admit I missed the gravel pit which is a signal that the road is not too far beyond that point and I did see the Hinkler sign but it was about 2 1/2 feet before the road and with a big 5th wheel trailer behind the truck, you couldn't just slam on the brakes.  All was good and we got the trailer placed and ready for our first adventure in a few weeks.  Over the winter our little roof over the fire wood became unhinged on one side.  A project for the guys on our next trip.
It is a beautiful spot to escape to every once in a while and bird season opens September 15th which isn't that far away...

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