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Saturday, August 24, 2019


It was the inaugural smoker event yesterday.  We finally got our new smoker going and smoked two pork butts for a pulled pork dinner.  One butt was fine but the other was almost all fat so I had to cook up a couple of pork tenderloins in order to have enough food for the approximately 30 invited guests. It was the right call because I had very little left over.  The party was a success!!  The weather was perfect.  Not too cold and not too hot.  We had the fire going and everyone gathered around as it did get a bit chilly in the evening.
Sorry I didn't get a picture of the food table before the masses swooped in.  Joanne made her famous beans and people brought snacks or salads or desert.  We had Linda's world famous rice krispie squares and Lisa made her popular butter tarts and blue berry tarts.  Linda and Sandy brought some watermelon.  It was a great dinner.
We sat by the fire (using my indoor firewood I might add) and survived a bug hatch on the lake.  These tiny little winged bugs swarmed us for a little while - more of a nuisance than anything else.  But this morning I noticed that our clothes had all these little bug bodies on them.  They were everywhere.  One of the hazards of living on a lake.
People cleared out by 10:30 and everyone made it home safe and sound.
It is always fun to have friends over for a party!  A great time was had by all!

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