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Friday, May 22, 2020


I went and helped Ron and Mary plant 8 big trees on their property this morning.  George and Susan also helped.  thank goodness for the tractor.  those trees were very heavy and awkward.  Plus it was very warm and the bugs were out.
The previous owners of the property cut down all the trees around the house and toward the road.  The placement of these trees will provide some privacy and cut down on the traffic noise (not that there is a lot of traffic on 129)
Plus Ron got 6 loads of our dirt as well to help him with a bit more landscaping.

And Terry and Bruce finished up our trailer pad today.  57 big dump truck loads later...we still have a lot of fill left but we used quite a chunk out of our pile.  Never realized how deep the dirt was.  We now have to level it out and remove some big rocks.  We will get a load of gravel to spread over the pad and  get some grass seed down the sides.  The guys had a good routine going.  Terry waited at the fill and loaded the dump truck and Bruce drove over and dumped it and Rejean smoothed and levelled it out in time for Bruce to arrive with another full load.  All day yesterday and until 3pm today.  I couldn't watch as I was certain someone was going to go over the edge or tip the truck or tractor.  Never happened - but it could have!!  Now we have to get the trailer over from the other property and clean and wax it before we put it on the pad.  Ron will be over to dig us a trench for the electrical and water to the trailer.  And then voila - our new bunkie!!

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Went fishing the other morning and was harassed by a beaver for a few minutes.  I caught a couple of walleye.  You really have to work for the fish this year!!
Saw a moose today on the way back from town.  It was the same one Joanne saw yesterday.  Must be hanging around the swamp.
We started a project today.  We are building a pad to permanently park our trailer and have all the fill we need just down the highway.  Terry and Bruce brought the big machines to get the job done.  It will be an easy job for them as Terry loads the dirt into the dump truck and Bruce drives it over to our place and dumps it.  Rejean then pushes and levels the loads.  They have a good system going.  We got the fill a few years ago when they were doing the highways up here.  The dirt is from the ditches that were dug out and Rejean told the highway guys if they needed a place to dump it close by, instead of driving miles and miles to get rid of it, they could just dump it on our property.  And dump it they did.  We have this pile that they are using today plus on our other property on the other side of the highway, We have more than we could ever use in our life times.  We have shared it with a few of our neighbours up here.  It is clean fill.  It sure comes in handy.
Got my plants today and will be doing my gardening tomorrow.  Have to take advantage of the nice weather.  Bugs are out!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Headed out last nite to a spot for some evening fishing.  Got there at 6:30 and settled in for a few hours.  Fishing was slow.  I got the pike about an hour in.  Just felt like I was pulling in a log - no fight at all.  But we put it on the stringer to keep it from scaring the walleye that might be out there.  We released it at the end of the evening.  Only one walleye was caught and Rejean got it.  Always nice when everyone catches a fish.
The sunset was amazing last nite.  I got some great pictures but pictures don't do it justice.  It was beautiful to actually see it.  And we were no place near to see the sun set - it was just the colours in the sky reflected in the water.  Glad I had my camera with me.
Then there is the picture of the wildflowers that are blooming everywhere right now.  Beautiful.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


It was the Walleye Opener today and we were on the water at the crack of 6AM.  We got a total of 6 and I got 2 of them.  We had to work hard for them but we got them.  Joanne and Mitch joined us at the crack of 8 - early risers they are not.  There were quite a few boats out on the water - more than I have seen at that hour. The parking lot was full!  But it was a long weekend and in the middle of a pandemic.  And the weather was amazing.  We hooked into someone else dead line and discovered nice lure.  A treasure we call them.  Even had a worm on it so it was fresh!!
It is supposed to rain tomorrow so no fishing tomorrow morning.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Got our next year's wood delivered today.  We will get at this pile next year as we still have some from the last double bunks we got last two years ago.  We will get about 20 cords from the pile.  Something to look forward to our spare time.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


It has been 37 Mother's Days without my Mom.
Her name was Anita
Sometimes when I laugh I give a little snort - just as she did.  It always makes me smile and I remember her laughs

I miss my Mom every day.


For those who know me know that I am not a baker.  But these are strange times so really anything goes.  I got a good recipe with a video that goes along with it for cinnamon buns so I thought I would give it a try with Joanne's help.  (Joanne is my sister and has self isolated for weeks as have I and she is my bubble person).
The recipe is from Mary Janet MacDonald from Cape Breton Island and the video is in real time meaning that she will make the buns along with you in the video.  We had to pause it at times and when she got a little chatty, we had to fast forward.  But it really wasn't that hard at all.  Made a mess in my kitchen but everyone thought they were delicious.  Next - butter tarts!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Just a bunch of pictures from here.  Got one chair and foot stool done and just waiting for a rainy (or snowy) day to do the other one.  Tropical Heat is the colour.  Trying to pick out "red" proved to be a bit of a challenge.  Never knew there were so many shades.  But I like my choice.
Second and third pictures are from Jimmy's Point looking down the lake and at our dock and our new this year Ontario flag.  They fade so we got some new ones.  We are good for three more years.  And a picture of Steve's bunkie which survived the winter unscathed.
The next picture is of a project we finished and now just waiting for Kim and Terry to fill the hole with fill.  It will be a pad for our trailer which will be permanently parked and will become our new bunkie.  There were a few trees that were taken down for this project but all the branches were just left for fill making it easy.  Plus an old tire I found on the highway.
The next picture is of my first rock this year that I will add to my collection.  Found it over on the mine side and just knew it had to come home with me.  It has a lot of shiny parts!!!  I put it beside my new red chair for a while so I could look at it more.  I will make sure that Joanne doesn't mistakenly pick it up and take it to her place to be added to her collection!!!
And the last picture is just one I thought looked nice - no ice on the lake!!  We have a ton of ducks on the lake this spring.  Buffleheads and Ring Necked ducks and even a pair of Mallards.  Saw a couple of Canada Geese fly by the other day and the Mergansers of course.  But no Loons so far.  We have had a single Loon for the past 10 years or so so maybe they didn't make it back.  I am hoping for a pair of Loons to find my Lake and maybe have some babies.....