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Thursday, May 21, 2020


Went fishing the other morning and was harassed by a beaver for a few minutes.  I caught a couple of walleye.  You really have to work for the fish this year!!
Saw a moose today on the way back from town.  It was the same one Joanne saw yesterday.  Must be hanging around the swamp.
We started a project today.  We are building a pad to permanently park our trailer and have all the fill we need just down the highway.  Terry and Bruce brought the big machines to get the job done.  It will be an easy job for them as Terry loads the dirt into the dump truck and Bruce drives it over to our place and dumps it.  Rejean then pushes and levels the loads.  They have a good system going.  We got the fill a few years ago when they were doing the highways up here.  The dirt is from the ditches that were dug out and Rejean told the highway guys if they needed a place to dump it close by, instead of driving miles and miles to get rid of it, they could just dump it on our property.  And dump it they did.  We have this pile that they are using today plus on our other property on the other side of the highway, We have more than we could ever use in our life times.  We have shared it with a few of our neighbours up here.  It is clean fill.  It sure comes in handy.
Got my plants today and will be doing my gardening tomorrow.  Have to take advantage of the nice weather.  Bugs are out!!!

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