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Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Just a bunch of pictures from here.  Got one chair and foot stool done and just waiting for a rainy (or snowy) day to do the other one.  Tropical Heat is the colour.  Trying to pick out "red" proved to be a bit of a challenge.  Never knew there were so many shades.  But I like my choice.
Second and third pictures are from Jimmy's Point looking down the lake and at our dock and our new this year Ontario flag.  They fade so we got some new ones.  We are good for three more years.  And a picture of Steve's bunkie which survived the winter unscathed.
The next picture is of a project we finished and now just waiting for Kim and Terry to fill the hole with fill.  It will be a pad for our trailer which will be permanently parked and will become our new bunkie.  There were a few trees that were taken down for this project but all the branches were just left for fill making it easy.  Plus an old tire I found on the highway.
The next picture is of my first rock this year that I will add to my collection.  Found it over on the mine side and just knew it had to come home with me.  It has a lot of shiny parts!!!  I put it beside my new red chair for a while so I could look at it more.  I will make sure that Joanne doesn't mistakenly pick it up and take it to her place to be added to her collection!!!
And the last picture is just one I thought looked nice - no ice on the lake!!  We have a ton of ducks on the lake this spring.  Buffleheads and Ring Necked ducks and even a pair of Mallards.  Saw a couple of Canada Geese fly by the other day and the Mergansers of course.  But no Loons so far.  We have had a single Loon for the past 10 years or so so maybe they didn't make it back.  I am hoping for a pair of Loons to find my Lake and maybe have some babies.....

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