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Tuesday, September 29, 2020


The Boys are so proud of their Mommy who was nominated for World Teacher Day Excellence by her peers and today found out she had won!!

In addition to the two giant bouquets of flowers the boys are trying to hold, she also won some amazing prizes.  She was surprised at school and was interviewed for a news segment and for the newspaper.  

Jodie was recognized for" her hard work and dedication in inspiring children to learn and an unwavering commitment to teaching and impacting legacies."

We are so proud of you Jodie!!  Well done!

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Joanne and I headed out Monday morning at 6am to get the Chi Cheemaun Ferry from South Baymouth to Tobermory at 11:10.  It was perfect weather and everyone had masks on and were social distancing.  We met Susan in Owen Sound where she left her car overnite.  We headed to Collingwood as the first stop on our road trip.  I had reserved our spot for that evening for the Agora: Path of Light at the top of the Blue Mountain.  We had a cocktail at the bottom of the mountain and then headed up in an open air gondola.  The light show was very well done and was inspired by the cycles of life in nature.  

Our next stop on Tuesday was Wasaga Beach.  We had vacationed there when we were very little with our parents and grandparents.  We went down a lot of little side roads trying to find something that looked familiar to us.  There was a fire a few years ago that destroyed a lot of the downtown area.  What a shame. We sprinkled a bit of Mother and Father on the beach and dipped our toes in the sand.  Very good memories of that place.  

We next stopped in South Hampton and poked around there.  Lots of little shops.

Our next stop was Goderich where we had a nice quick visit with Susan's daughter Shelley.  We walked along the shore and ship yard and watched a big tanker leave the port.

On to Grand Bend where we also had vacationed as teenagers.  We found where the old roller skating rink had been and paid a visit to the beach.  We left a little of Mom and Dad there as well.

From there we headed across to Kitchener to be close to St Jacobs market which we spent the morning.  Then off to the town of St. Jacobs were there were a lot of small interesting shops.  We had lunch and said goodby to Susan.  Joanne and I headed west to Barrie for our final night.  And Barrie has a Costco!!  We shopped that night so that we didn't have to stop in Sudbury along the way home.

The leaves were spectacular and I feel that they have peaked.  Every year you don't think that they can get any better than the year before but they do.  One of the perks of living up north.

It was a great road trip spent with my sisters, Susan and Joanne.  It kind of makes up for our cancelled Florida trip this year.  Any time spent with my Sisters I treasure.  I love you Susan and Joanne xoxo



The boys turned 6 on August 27th.  I sent Jodie some money to buy them new bikes as their old ones are kind of small for them.  Jodie did good in picking these bikes out for them.  They are so happy and proud of their new bikes.  The tires are big and they are able to ride up hills and on sand and rocks.  They clean them when they are dirty.  Pride of ownership!!  Monty has the basket in front of his on the right and Charlie is on the left.  Jodie and Dave take them riding quite a bit and they love it.  Gets them outside after such a long social distancing summer.  

What I wouldn't give to go riding with them... 

Thursday, September 17, 2020


It was a beautiful day and Rejean decided to start blocking the wood.  Of course he did!!  But we did have to start it sometime so today was the day.  Ricky is here so we assumed our positions and got to work.  Rick drives the tractor and I position the hook on the logs and ensure it is balanced so I can guide it over to Rejean's saw horses where he measures 14 inch lengths and chainsaws the whole log.  Rick and I carry or roll the pieces over to the pile.  There are a lot of very big logs that the tractor can't lift so they have to be cut over at the pile and then moved by the tractor.  It will be slow going this year.  

And I just put in a picture of my car.  It really stands out this time of year with it's blaze orange and black colours.  Perfect for hunting.  Speaking of which, we will be heading out at the crack of 7am for our first bird hunt of the season.  Wish us luck!!


The SandHill Cranes are gathering in the fields in large numbers and the leaves are all ready on their way to peaking in the next few weeks.  The reds are just amazing and the oranges are spectacular.  The yellows haven't made their appearance but you can see the leaves just starting.  They start in August and it seems to me that they are early this year.  It sure makes for a nice ride to and from town.

Sunday, September 13, 2020


From that proposal on St Pete Beach to the actual I Do's, it took 8 months.  It was a beautiful day even tho the weather didn't co-operate but I don't think it bothered anyone.  Their beautiful Lake House served as the perfect back drop to their vows and the celebration that followed.  The actual ceremony was attended by a smaller group of people plus Roger's son and wife and grand daughter joined us from out east on FaceTime.  Rejean and I were the bartenders and people just mingled and grazed on all the amazing food and deserts.  I admit I had a few cupcakes and a brownie - but I was there for over 8 hours.  The entertainment was provided by J.C., a local who sounded just like Aron Neville.  Roger and Ute's first dance was to "At Last"  After a long time spent isolating, it was good to see friends but people did keep their distance and I saw a lot of elbow tapping going on.

Ute looked beautiful and Roger made a very handsome groom.  I wish them many happy years together!