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Thursday, September 17, 2020


It was a beautiful day and Rejean decided to start blocking the wood.  Of course he did!!  But we did have to start it sometime so today was the day.  Ricky is here so we assumed our positions and got to work.  Rick drives the tractor and I position the hook on the logs and ensure it is balanced so I can guide it over to Rejean's saw horses where he measures 14 inch lengths and chainsaws the whole log.  Rick and I carry or roll the pieces over to the pile.  There are a lot of very big logs that the tractor can't lift so they have to be cut over at the pile and then moved by the tractor.  It will be slow going this year.  

And I just put in a picture of my car.  It really stands out this time of year with it's blaze orange and black colours.  Perfect for hunting.  Speaking of which, we will be heading out at the crack of 7am for our first bird hunt of the season.  Wish us luck!!

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