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Sunday, September 6, 2020


 The Scott sisters had a busy week last week.  We four wheeled to Snowshoe to fish and pick up some rocks then visited the jacuzzi where we had our Bubba stop.  There is almost nothing I enjoy more than spending time with my sisters.  The "Farmers" were also around and stayed at Grand Falls Camp.  They were out fishing early in the morning and, weather permitting, also in the afternoon.  On Thursday we had a fish fry at our house for them.  They are quite the crew.  A lot of them have been friends since grade school and are all from the Listowel area.  There was a lot of social distancing  between them and us northerners so I think we should be ok.  There was enough fish for everyone thanks to all their hard work. They will be here again next year, same time and same place.  

The Sisters helped me can this week as well.  I had made my BBQ sauce a few weeks ago and the tomatoes were coming in fast and furious so Susan and Joanne helped me do some bread and butter pickles and some salsa.  And today I made some antipasto.  I hope I never see another tomato for a few days !!  HaHa.

Fall is here early - we already had a fire yesterday morning.  We have to get going on the kindling and blocking our double bunk of wood soon.  We won't split the wood until next spring.  And hunting season is fast approaching as well.  Where did the summer go?

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