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Friday, December 30, 2022



We had another big snow fall the other day - another 8 inches or so.  It was perfect snowmobile weather.  Sunny and not too cold.  We went for another burn on the two machines.  Andrew and Stacey on Stacey's machine and Rejean and I on Andrew's machine.  It was Stacey's first time out on them.  Same trip as before down to the Trading Post and back.  We had fun.

But a big warm up was on the way.  It was 8 degrees when we woke up this morning with the snow slowly falling off the house and garage.  It had already fallen off the back of the house last nite.  It shook the house as it always does.  It will be a mess out there today.  We will try not to drive on the driveway because it will just leave big ruts and when it freezes up again, they will be left.  

New Year's Eve tomorrow but maybe no big party in our future.  People around us are still getting covid and the flu so we will just stay home and relax.  

Saturday, December 24, 2022



Our third Christmas spent at home.  We had planned on heading down to Windsor for Christmas but due to some health issues with some people down there, it was decided to postpone our trip to maybe April when everyone is feeling better.  Good thing as we were also hit with that big storm.  We got about 12 inches of the white stuff.  But none of the wind or freezing rain.  And as I was all done my Christmas shopping and had some food we didn't have to go out.  Stacey and Andrew are on their way from Elliot Lake for Christmas and some more snowmobile riding I am sure.  

Jodie sent some pictures of the boys on their Christmas Eve where it is about 10 pm right now.  They left a plate of cookies for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer.  They are saying goodby to their elves on the shelf Smudge and Fudge til next year.  

Susan is all set to host their Christmas with her new puppy Windy.  A Bernedoodle - part Bernese Mountain dog and Standard Poodle - should be a good size.

Joanne and Mitch are staying warm during Calgary's deep freeze.  Dreaming about their upcoming trip to Mexico no doubt.  

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope all your wishes come true.  Stay Safe and Healthy.

Monday, December 19, 2022



We have been lucky in that we have been getting snow a little at a time and not all in one big dump.  Stacey and Andrew just recently purchased a couple of snowmobiles and Andrew has been anxious to try his out.  It was a beautiful day on Sunday so we all geared up and off we went.  We were the first ones down the Little Pickeral Lake trail to the Trading Post.  Much easier going back thru our own tracks.  There were a few spots that you could feel some rocks but as we were going slow, it was not an issue.  Our "classic" snowmobile handled perfectly which was a relief.  We hadn't had it out since 2020 and then only a couple of times.  But once Rejean had the battery in, it started immediately and handled just fine.  We checked out Joanne and Mitch's place and had a visit with their neighbours Brent and Nat.  Andrew got a good taste of riding the trails but it will be nothing compared to when he gets on a groomed trail.  We all have our trail passes and I think this will be the year that we get more than just one or two adventures on our machine.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022



There is a bit of demolition going on at Parker's and the scrap wood has been nicely stacked and ready to burn.  Stacey and Andrew and Rejean and I and Sam took care of it on a beautiful December day with little wind and bright blue skies.  We used some left over oil to get it started and once it lit, it burned quite well.  We had to use some small "trees" as pokers as you couldn't get too close to the fire because of the intense heat.  I think Andrew lost part of his eyebrow once.  (not really)  We had chairs and brought beverages to stay hydrated.  Next time I will bring some hot dogs to cook.  Sam would like that I bet.  Took about 3 1/2 hours for it to burn down - shorter period of time than I thought.  There will be more wood to burn as the demolition progresses so I see more bonfires in my future.  A great way to stay warm on the cold days ahead.