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Monday, April 27, 2009


I am working on the computer downstairs and again I am having problems with Picasa but I will post the picture the old way (sorry Stacey).
We got the toilet installed and working - I was the one who used it first. Rejean went all the way upstairs because he forgot he could use the bathroom down here. I am sure it will happen to me one day. We put the cabinets in the bathroom just to get an idea of how it will look - you can't really judge the space because there is still another cabinet to go in (which Rejean hasn't built yet )- that is why there is an open space on the left hand side of the toilet. The room will look better once that is in place. We will hook up the sink and shower tomorrow.
We are running out of time - Chris and Egon are coming up on Saturday to help with the firewood. She called tonite worried about black flies - we haven't seen any yet. I don't think it has gotten that warm yet. Not like down in Windsor where it has already reached over 90!! There is just something unnatural about using your air conditioner in April. We still have snow for goodness sake.
Thursday I am taking a Smart Serve course at the Wharncliffe Hall. You need it if you ever bar tend a function. You never know when it might come in handy up here - the way we like to have parties...
I now have a GMail account - we lost our old email address when we cancelled our Bell internet service (which we didn't know would happen) so on Facebook - if you are my friend - I put my new GMail address so please email me so I can put you on my contact list.
I saw a Woodland Jumping mouse today - I was just looking out the window, waiting for Rejean to tell me to do something, when I notice movement in my garden. It wasn't a bird and on closer inspection, with my binoculars, it was a mouse - a jumping mouse. It actually hopped around. I looked it up in my trusty wildlife book and easily identified it. I have never seen one before. It was fun to watch - my entertainment for the day - besides the squirrels and chip monk I feed peanuts to. When they see me coming and hear me chipping at them, they come a'running. I reward them with peanuts. Who is the trained one???
See Ya By

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