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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Yes that is me with my 2 1/2 pound small mouth bass caught thru the ice this morning - Ron says that it is unusual for them to be caught ice fishing - tell that to the fish. No fight - it felt like I was pulling up a log. But it was the first fish caught. We all were set up and fishing - Ron and Rejean went over towards shore to check out if it was any better - the girls were left to monitor the lines. Well you know girls - we got to talking and I finally noticed that one of Rejean's tip-ups was indicating a fish on - so I got up and ran over to it. I was focused on that tip-up. Linda noticed the other one moving and ran over to it - it was right beside mine - about 5 feet away. I started pulling up the line by hand and Linda was yelling that she had one too. She was pulling hard. I got mine up but her's broke the line - or so we thought. It turns out that my fish got tangled in the other line because the lure on her line turned up on my fish. So who's fish was it really? Because they were both Rejean's tip-ups, we claimed ownership. So I got to pull up 2 fish today. The only ones caught. There was Ron and Mary, Linda and Danielle from Montreal and Rejean and myself - we had the lake all to ourselves!!

We had a great time - it was absolutely beautiful out there. Bright sun and warm temps. The ice was hard when we went out but by the end of the day we were sinking in about 6 inches. But there was lots of hard ice under the soft mushy ice. We were in no danger. Everyone got some color on our faces. Keith at the Post was out yesterday and he looked like he had been to a tanning booth. It is very easy to burn in this sun.

Ron got his BBQ out and we had a picnic out on the ice. Hot dogs, salad, pickles, cheeses etc and a cherry pie for desert - how great is that!! LIFE IS VERY GOOD!!
Got home and I had a message on the machine from the clinic asking me to call and schedule another appointment for another mammogram - they want to see me again. They do tell you when you are there that if you are called back that 9 times out of 10 it is nothing but until you hear that it's nothing, it is something. I did say I would let you know what the results were so there it is. I'll keep you informed.
Tomorrow it is back to work on the shower - another 3 courses on the ceiling. We only have 3 braces so we can only do 3 at a time. Then we can start the grouting. Then we can start the floor. Then we can install the toilet. Then we never ends.
See ya By

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