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Saturday, April 25, 2009


Rainy day. Rejean finished the windows in the new bathroom and I went to the dump. I have to do some clean up around there again this year. There are a few grocery bags slapping in the wind hanging on the trees. ValueMart, our local grocery store has now started selling the plastic grocery bags for 5 cents. I don't mind paying because I use them again for my garbage bags at home and on the highway. I have purchased some fabric bags they sell but I keep forgetting them when I go shopping. I'll have to develop a routine of some sort so I don't forget (you know easy it is to forget).

Last nite we went to the fish fry at the legion in Thessalon - again - d e l i c i o u s!! And they had chocolate sauce as well as the butterscotch and strawberry sauce for your ice cream - I choose butterscotch of course.

We are now working on the floor of the bathroom - and tomorrow we will actually put the laminate tiles in place - progress!! Then the toilet goes in then the sink and cupboards. We are getting there slowly.

We also put the dock down. We got every course of the cedar boards in place except the last one - it is giving us some trouble. It is not laying even. We will deal with it another time.

The ice is out down at our end of the lake and just very thin pieces at the other end. The loon woke us up this morning - it doesn't take them long after the ice starts going out. Rejean saw him yesterday but he landed today. We still have a pair of hooded mergansers out there but they will be leaving soon, if the loon has anything to do with it.

On my walk yesterday I was startled by a little snake down in the ditch. I just happened to have my camera with me so I snapped his picture. It was a nice warm day so he was out sunning - I did watch where I stepped after my encounter with him.

See Ya By

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Snakes are gross! :P