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Sunday, July 12, 2009


What would a cowboy wedding be like without the horses? These two beauts were standing guard at the side - they have the most velvety soft noses. That's John at the right. The two horses live at the Cedar Rail Ranch up here.

They did an excellent job on the hall. The tables had brown paper wrapping on top of it and boots, hats and horseshoe sprinkles sprinkled on top. The flowers were Gerber daisies with the pots wrapped in burlap tied with string from cheap hula skirts (there is a name for it but I can't think of it just now). They strung those white tiny lights from the ceiling around the room. The head table had a small stage coach and hobby horses in front of it and there was a tree behind the head table with those little white lights as well - they cut down the tree especially for that purpose - you can do that up here. The arbor under which they got married was made of white birch that they cut down from their property - it later fell and they were going to use it as fire wood. They had posters up that said Saloon around the bar and a big sign over the kitchen area that said Grub - it was well thought out. That's Phyllis and Vickie at the Grub table setting up.

Phyllis, Vickie and I did all the cooking and preparing for the spread but we had help from Darlene (who just dropped off a salad and then made the mistake of asking if she could help with anything - 4 hours later...) and Joy, Dave and Rejean helped with the dishes. Joy was there, she said, to save Arnie some money - when she was working she couldn't be drinking!! We made up for it later, didn't we? We had everything done and washed and put away in time for the dance. I was surprised as tired as I was, I danced all night (well until 11:30) to some great country favourites like Save a Horse Ride A Cowboy. Poker Face and Billie Jean - there was music for all listeners. Today I am taking it easy - I still have to go to Cheryle's today at 3 to fold and stuff envelopes for our Yearly donation request flyer. You know, being a volunteer up here is hard work but VERY rewarding. It is my community and I am getting to know everyone. Getting back to the wedding, the bride wore a white dress, white cowboy hat with tulle wrapped around it and trailing at the back for a train. She had on brown cowboy boots too. There were boots galore - everywhere you looked. I am gonna have to git me a pair.
It was fun - and, to boot, it was a nice day - who could ask for anything more?
See Ya By

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