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Friday, July 17, 2009


If you go to the bottom left corner of my blog - that's right, right to the bottom of the page - you will see 3 blogs that I follow regularly. One is Journey To An UltraMarathon - this is Stacey's blog and I read it everyday - funny - the other is I Need A Martini Mom and it is very very funny and the other is Dear Planetary Astronomer Mike and he posts some very interesting stuff about the earth, moon and the universe. Just click on the name and it will take you to these blogs. Enjoy!!!
See Ya By

ps - because the Ladies of Wharncliffe Hall were such a hit at the wedding - the food got rave reviews - we are currently under negotiations to cater another Buck & Doe in Bruce Mines for 200!!!! We are professionals - don't try this at home. Anything to raise more money for the fire hall.

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