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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Aren't they just too cute for words??? These are 7 week old Maltese puppies. Joy and Arnold's friends had them for a visit and I arrived just at the right time for the photo op. Trying to get them all on the bench without falling off and trying to get them to look straight at the camera was an adventure but Arnold started making barking noises to get their attention and it worked - thank you Arnold. I also met the parents - these puppies are from two litters - same father but different mothers (duh). They are also going to be available to see and cuddle in person - at a pet store in Sault St Marie on July 30, 31 and August 1 - I have to get the name of the pet Store for you if you are interested. I held the biggest one - Moose - he's the third from the left- and there was absolutely no hair on my navy blue hoodie. They do not shed and they are hypo-allergenic (?). They are purebred but come with no papers (if you want you can register them yourselves). I was going to ask if I could borrow one to take home and tell Rejean "Look what I found" but I didn't - I probably would bond with it and then I wouldn't want to give it back. But they are cute and would make a wonderful pet. But to see 7 of them all at once - just too cute. I Want One....
See Ya By
ps The pet store is Pet Value Better Pet Nutrition located at the Cambrian Mall in Sault Ste Marie and their phone number is 1-705-946-5435 - I confirmed they will be there.

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