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Thursday, December 2, 2010


Rejean and Steve McGivered these pieces of wood to hold our Domino tiles - they work great - they got 5 of these out of 1 1x6inch piece of maple. Sister Sue, do you need any of these for your game??? Let me know - Christmas is coming...
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Eddie O said...

I'll give you $3.00 for half the buisness.... plus .25 cents for each board this a deal?

northernbliss said...

I'll have to consult with the developer - I'll get back to you. Any other offers????

Anonymous said...

i want to buy two sets for xmas presents. what a great idea. tell ray that in his spare time he should set a both up at the Keady Market on tues in the summer. Cheryl should join him to make the trip worthwhile. was dexter a hint for xmas presents? cause if it was you might get 5 sets!!!i will keep my eyes open when i go to the $$ store for stuff for cheryl-sistersue

northernbliss said...

No I don't want the dvds for Christmas - please alert the media.