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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


My little closet, painted by moi and the laundry tub assembled by moi.
Stacey's new washer and dryer (also used as a table for Rejean's tools) - love the color - Tango Red!!

The little closet where the laundry tub will be is all done and the tub installed. We (Rejean, really) had to run a clothes hanger into the drain to dislodge some "grunge" so the drain would flow smoothly but it is done and it looks great, if I do say so myself. The living room/dining room is all painted and I was putting the face plates back on the receptacles. I am not bad with a screwdriver. Tomorrow is installing the tv bracket, the electrical, the shower curtain rod, washing the remaining windows and any other chore that comes up. There is some furniture being delivered on Friday so we will be here for New Year's Eve - yes, I will be missing the famous Axe Lake Celebrations - but there is always SuperBowl Sunday on February 6th which I will be attending. But I won't be drinking margaritas - don't want to repeat that episode of my life. My picture is still on Bob's Wall of Shame.
See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

need more pics of the place-nice color for the washer-start slow on your purge-one a day and you will get thru it-it won't hurt as much-sistersue