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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have all of my Christmas shopping done. Everything is wrapped (I just need gift tags - I figure post-it-notes just aren't festive enough) all my Christmas cards are sent, Jodie's package is mailed - standard rates to boot!!! I even bought a gift and wrapped it for myself - I will try and act surprised (altho I may forget by the time Christmas comes around so I really will be surprised). That is just not like me. As some of you may know, I am a procrastinator, big time. Usually I am standing in line at the post office and by the time I have them send it fast express, the cost is about 5 times what the actual value of the gifts are. Oh well, it is the thought that counts, isn't it?
But it gives me great pleasure to look at all those gifts lying on the bed ready to be distributed. We have a tradition that started a couple of years ago that our family follows. We set a $15 limit for the gifts we buy and then donate a larger amount to a charity. And each year, one of us gets to choose the charity. This year Jodie gets to choose. Which reminds me I have to send her a cheque for our share.
See, I'm not really done everything after all. I'm back.

See Ya Bye

1 comment:

See me. Hear me. said...

It's great that you donate money to charity. You are the opposite of me I'm too much of a procrastinator, but this year I've got a good amount of shopping done on black friday.