Stacey did a 26 mile training run today on the highway - I was her support team. Every couple of hours I would meet her along her route and bring her cold water and a banana and provide encouragement. I am practicing for her 100 miler in September where I will also be among her support team. It was very hot today, with full sun. I say hot because the temp was 86 degrees - I hear Windsor was almost 100!!! So she was happy she was here.
Here she is cooling her legs in the lake after her run. She said the lake was not really that cold - I told her to go out to the middle and then it would be cold.
She said she saw a cow moose and calf on her run but couldn't get a good picture because she was so far away from them.
Tonite Rejean and Ron and I will be going out fishing again. We were out last nite and got a bunch - we have enough for a fish fry tomorrow nite for Stacey and Andrew's company. You can't come up north and not have a good fish fry.
See Ya Bye
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Rick and I hit a favourite stream on Wednesday while Rejean was with his NorthShore Fisheries gang. We did ok catching 7 smaller ones. I think someone must have been there before us because I am sure that some of the holes should have held a few more and some larger ones - but that is fishing. At least we got out to do some of my favourite type of fishing. He left on Thursday morning and Stacey and Andrew and Sadie-Poo pulled in last nite - Andrew on his new BMW motorcycle and Stacey and Sadie following in the big Dodge Ram truck - funny to see Stacey behind the wheel of something that big. Andrew is going to do some off road riding with his motorcycle and Stacey is going for her 20 mile training run - Sadie and I will be doing 5 miles thru the bush on some trails. I asked at the Post if they had Bear Bells as I came across a rather large pile of bear poop on one of my trails so I figured I should get some bells instead of whooping down the trails. All they had were brass colored ice fishing bells but they worked. They have a little clip so I clip them on either side of my shirt so I make a lot of noise when I walk. I think I'll clip one on Sadie for our walk today. You can never be too careful...
See Ya Bye (maybe)
ps - I think I have solved my own techical difficulties - it is just a new bunch of icons that I have to get used to - Blogger must have done some changes without my permission.
See Ya Bye (maybe)
ps - I think I have solved my own techical difficulties - it is just a new bunch of icons that I have to get used to - Blogger must have done some changes without my permission.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I am having problems posting pictures to my blog - as I am not really a techy, it is causing me a great deal of stress - but, never fear - Stacey and Andrew are on their way up here for a visit and you can't get anybody more tech-savy than Andrew and Stacey. So, I will swap a lasagna and garlic bread dinner for their help tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be up and running in no time.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Rejean is volunteering on a 5 day lake study and on his way early this morning, he spotted this cow moose crossing the highway and, because I asked him to bring his camera, he was able to get this shot of it. He stopped on the highway, again after seeing he was safe to do so, and zoomed in as much as he could with the little camera he had. If you click on the photo, it should give you a closer view. It's always nice to see them so close. You see tracks but you rarely see the animal.
Rick and I are going fishing tomorrow morning. We decided to do some brook trout fishing, my favourite, I think. I like it all but I think I prefer the streams with my little ultra-lite rod, hook and worms with some split shot. That's all I need. You can be sure I will have my camera along, just in case...
See Ya Bye
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What were they thinking?????????????
There is a place I like to go just to enjoy the scenery - I happened to be there just as these 3 people decided to launch a "small" boat and then all 3 proceeded to get in the boat - at least the girl had the sense to put her life jacket on - the other 2 jackets were in the bottom of the boat. They paddled out to the middle in the fast current - they all had fishing rods and were fishing. I was planning out a rescue scenario in my mind. And I think the other 2 people in the canoe were also thinking the same thing. The 2 canoeist were from Snowshoe Camp and were enjoying the river. Then, when I thought I had seen it all, one of the guys in the little boat gets a snag and proceeds to STAND UP in the little boat and vigorously whipped the rod to try and dislodge the snag!!!! I had to look away and wait for the screams. But, they did not flip the boat. Only once when I was looking did they almost tip. A scary moment. And they had beverages with them!! I am happy to report that they all made it back to shore safely. I hope they don't try that again.
See Ya Bye
First off, there are lots of new posts so they may not all be on this page - just go to "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see more - there has been a lot of "blog-worthy" stuff.
I ask Rejean to take a camera along with him when he goes out and it paid off a couple of days ago when they went to set the minnow trap. Rick and Rejean came across this old Geezer (I guess it is Geezerette because she was laying her eggs) down an old logging road. She was a big one - take a look at her claws!! And her tail was prehistoric looking. It is a Snapper!!!
They go to the edge of the roads to lay their eggs in the gravel. And this time of year they are out in force - you have to be careful because they are on the roads trying to get across and on the sides of the road. I came across one while I was out picking garbage. It was turned over on it's back - most likely from the passing trucks which put out a great deal of breeze. I, of course, rescued it by flipping it and carrying it off into the swampy area. It was not a Snapper. Those things can swing their heads around and bite you and you can't get it to let go without cutting it's head off - not my idea of a good time.
They go to the edge of the roads to lay their eggs in the gravel. And this time of year they are out in force - you have to be careful because they are on the roads trying to get across and on the sides of the road. I came across one while I was out picking garbage. It was turned over on it's back - most likely from the passing trucks which put out a great deal of breeze. I, of course, rescued it by flipping it and carrying it off into the swampy area. It was not a Snapper. Those things can swing their heads around and bite you and you can't get it to let go without cutting it's head off - not my idea of a good time.
It is raining today so I am catching up on my neglected household duties.
See Ya Bye - don't forget to scroll down for more interesting stuff
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I was lucky enough to catch the first walley - Rick did a fine job of netting him for me. I think I have the death grip on him so I don't drop him back in the water. He will be d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!
We fished with John and Mark for a while - it was a perfect morning for opening day. We were out at 6AM!!!
This followed me into the Tunnel Lake Trading Post on my way home yesterday - it's got my little 250 beat all to hell (sorry Mr. & Mrs. Barr).
King's Buffet in Kitchener - it's been a long time since I got my money's worth out of a buffet - it was good!!
Shelley's were green, Susan's were the orange ones and mine were blood red (I bought the sandals after I wore them thru the store so as to not smudge my toes). Walmart does good toes!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Yes, I am getting out of Dodge - too many men around here so I am hitting the highway to visit my sister Susan who will be celebrating her 60th birthday on May 18th!!! I can mention her age because it is only a number. We will be getting pedicures at the Walmart in Kitchener (who knew) then dinner with the family. Then we will spend the next day just hanging around together.
I can't imagine my life without my big sister Susan (or my little sister Joanne) Sisters are special. I love you Susan xoxoxo
Steve is up here with his friend John. And Jason is coming up today. Rick is already here so there is quite a crew. Steve is working on the bunkie and today they are working on the steps leading up to the deck. Nice job boys!! I have a pizza in the oven for their lunch so I better get at it. Gotta keep up their strength.
The decals were ready yesterday so I headed into Iron Bridge to pick them up from Laird Signs - it is a windy overcast day today so it was a perfect day to apply them. I must say they look better than I anticipated. And it was easy to apply them. The colors are very vivid and the fish is perfect. I hope to catch a few like that this year.
Bill would be happy with the work Rejean has done on his boat and a little jealous, I am sure. He will be with us in spirit each and every time we take his boat out.
See Ya Bye
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
...good Dr John song - but I digress. I had a meeting tonite so I remembered to take my camera and since it was the right time of the night, I had my camera handy - out of the case and in my lap - just waiting for something to move. And, lo and behold, on my way back home, I see a bear starting to cross the road in front of me. Well, I quickly checked my rear view mirror and saw that I was safe to slow down and stop. I fumbled for my camera and turned it on, and with my tremor switching into full gear because I was excited - well, it wasn't a pretty sight. But I got it going and up to take a picture of it before it had crossed the road. I pulled up along side of it and got the passenger side window down - remembering to check my rear view mirror for oncoming traffic - non - safe -and I turned down my radio - I don't think the bear would like Vince Gill - and then I got a picture of it wandering into the bush and looking back at me. It was a pretty one - all fluffy and healthy looking - with that beautiful brown nose. It didn't take long for him/her to wander quickly off into the bush. A good sign of bear avoiding humans. It was between here and Axe Lake Road on our side of the highway - so we are aware of it in the area. A good thing to be.
And, we finished the wood today, did some work in the garden - mulched it - got word the decal is ready, after some tweaking of the font and the paint is ready. And we got in a nice walk to the mine side after dinner. A good day.
See Ya Bye
Sunday, May 8, 2011
On my way over to the other property to split the wood
on one of our trails
That's what I did today - helped split wood. In the morning, I did a bit of gardening - when the sun shines and it is sunny and warm, I have to do some gardening. I pulled out all the old growth from last year and cut the grass that grows on my rocks. I took a couple of wheelbarrows of dead stuff to the swamp. Then I turned the dirt in the veggie garden. I must say that is good earth. After all those years of adding fertilizer and top soil, it has finally paid off. After I was done, I headed to the Post to get some beer for the guys. I didn't take my camera and, you guessed it, there was a photo opportunity at the Post. There was about 6 or 8 nice looking motorcycles parked in the lot. The riders were just taking a break. But nice bikes!! One was a bright orange and it had a side car. The rest were nice and shiny.
I then helped the guys. Rejean was stacking the split wood, Rick was manning the controls and I was feeding the splitter. I was picking the logs up and setting them on the splitter - I figure I don't have to do a work out tonite. We got a row of logs done. It certainly is fast with 3 people working together. We should be done either tomorrow or Wednesday morning.
That's about it for my day. It was nice and sunny and warm here today - for a change.
See Ya Bye
Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there who deserves to be called a Mother. I miss my Mother especially hard on this day. But I see her in stuff that I do. She held her mouth a certain way when she was working and I find myself doing that. And I see a bit of her when I look in the mirror. I think of if she felt the same when she was my age. She died when she was 61 and that is just a few short years away for me. I think of what she missed. Her third grandchild, Kyle. A little step great grandchild in Bishop. Coming up here and spending time on the Lake. I know Father would have loved it up here. And I know my Mom would have liked to fish - just like her daughters.
I wish she were here...
...but, I am a Mom myself - Stacey and Jodie - they have treated me as their Mom for over 30 years - I am blessed to have married into them. :o)
I wish she were here...
...but, I am a Mom myself - Stacey and Jodie - they have treated me as their Mom for over 30 years - I am blessed to have married into them. :o)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
We just got the call that the motor is ready to be picked up so that was the last thing we needed - other than a few little odds and ends to be done on the boat. Rejean put the floor in the front of the boat in the storage compartment and he installed the rod holders and, most importantly, the drink cup holders. We are all set and ready to go. We just have to wait for the pickerel season to open. Tunnel Lake will never be the same.
We also stopped by Laird Signs on Highway 17 and ordered a decal for the boat - it will say BILL'S BOAT with a jumping pickerel between the words. How appropriate.
See Ya Bye
Sunday, May 1, 2011
After the rain cleared up and the guys finished their work on the boat (it looks great - the seats are installed and the new oak transom is in place) we decided to go for a 4 wheeler ride - Rejean passed because he caught my cold ( I have no idea how) so Barry, Ed and I got changed and hit the road. We went down the highway to the Axe Lake road then off on a trail. It actually took us to FootPrint Lake Road and boy, was it muddy. We had a riot. I led the way, hoping that I wouldn't run into a mother bear and cubs or a moose on the trail. I only have a 250 cc and the guys have bigger bikes so I was a little cautious in some of the puddles. I have had to be winched out before so I know to take it easy. There were a few spots that were a little dicey - at one point, the guys had to come and lift my bike over a culvert that I couldn't quite get over because of the ground clearnance of my bike. But that was the only time I needed their help. We were a little late getting back home but we had fun. The guys enjoyed it!! Me too!!
See Ya Bye
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