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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Rejean is volunteering on a 5 day lake study and on his way early this morning, he spotted this cow moose crossing the highway and, because I asked him to bring his camera, he was able to get this shot of it. He stopped on the highway, again after seeing he was safe to do so, and zoomed in as much as he could with the little camera he had. If you click on the photo, it should give you a closer view. It's always nice to see them so close. You see tracks but you rarely see the animal.

Rick and I are going fishing tomorrow morning. We decided to do some brook trout fishing, my favourite, I think. I like it all but I think I prefer the streams with my little ultra-lite rod, hook and worms with some split shot. That's all I need. You can be sure I will have my camera along, just in case...

See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

How did you and Rick make out fishing on Wednesday morning ?

northernbliss said...

We got a buncgh of little brookies - no big ones so I think someone must have been there before us - but we had a great time.