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Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yes, I am getting out of Dodge - too many men around here so I am hitting the highway to visit my sister Susan who will be celebrating her 60th birthday on May 18th!!! I can mention her age because it is only a number. We will be getting pedicures at the Walmart in Kitchener (who knew) then dinner with the family. Then we will spend the next day just hanging around together.
I can't imagine my life without my big sister Susan (or my little sister Joanne) Sisters are special. I love you Susan xoxoxo
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Anonymous said...

Susan as you celebrate 60 years, hope your birthday will be special for you. Best Wishes Chris & Egon

Anonymous said...

From the other "special" sister, love you both, wish I could be there!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

you guys are bring tears to my eyes. i am old(soon).Can't wait for our girls day janet and summer will be here soon enough Joanne for 2 fun filled weeks, Thanks for the bday wishes Chris. i have blonde in my hair for the 60th and not very many people noticed. you just fade into the big picture when you turn 60.can't wait for 70

Anonymous said...

You guys are great!!!! I can say that as I have met all three sisters and enjoyed a most deliciuous Paella with you.
Have fun girls, too bad you can not all be together to celebrate.
Happy Birthday Susan

Anonymous said...

Oh...this was Ute by the way also wanted to let you know Janet and Ray there was a bear (about 3 years tall) across my driveway. I was never worried about that when I had Sascha

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sister Sue!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Auntie Susan for you Stacey

Anonymous said...

May 18th. 2011 - HAPPY 60th SUSAN - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow thats lots of candles

Anonymous said...

How was your Road Trip? are you still away?

Unknown said...

Ok then...... Happy Birthday Auntie SisterSue!!!!