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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Bill's Boat almost ready

The solid oak transom - just a spare piece of oak we had hanging around

We just got the call that the motor is ready to be picked up so that was the last thing we needed - other than a few little odds and ends to be done on the boat. Rejean put the floor in the front of the boat in the storage compartment and he installed the rod holders and, most importantly, the drink cup holders. We are all set and ready to go. We just have to wait for the pickerel season to open. Tunnel Lake will never be the same.

We also stopped by Laird Signs on Highway 17 and ordered a decal for the boat - it will say BILL'S BOAT with a jumping pickerel between the words. How appropriate.

See Ya Bye


Elizabeth said...

Here's to the launch of the spring and boating seasons.
Buster would like a boat ride too!

Anonymous said...

Bill would be proud of the work Ray has done with his little boat.
Nice job