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Thursday, September 29, 2011
There will be a wedding at the Hall on Saturday and Phyllis is baking the cake. She showed Vickie and I how to make the sunflowers out of fondant and this was my first attempt. Not bad for Tremor Girl.
I am amazed at all that I am learning at the Hall. I think it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. The confidence I have in the kitchen now I owe to the Ladies of Wharncliffe and I am very appreciative. It is never too late to learn...
Betty Crocker that is. I was at the Hall all day preparing for the Bake Sale to be held tomorrow at the Northern Credit Union in Thessalon. We made pumpkin pies, apple pies, butter tarts, and the wedding cake for the wedding on Saturday to be held at the Hall as well. Some of the locals dropped their baking off . All the funds raised go towards the Wharncliffe Fire Department. So if you are in the neighborhood, stop by and say hi.
See Ya Bye
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
That is ice formed on the 2 bases on the beer dispenser at a bar we went to in Sherbrooke - and my Rickard's White WAS very cold. And very Good!!
We got back from our weekend visit to Sherbrooke and Ottawa - we attended a funeral for Rejean's Aunt Anita. We drove first to Ottawa where we spent Friday nite, then travelled on to Sherbrooke the next day. I took French in public school but didn't retain enough to carry on any sort of conversation with the relatives. Most of Rejean's family speaks English so they included me in the majority of the conversations. They made me feel very welcome. Everything was in French during the service but at restaurants and the hotel, they do speak both English and French so that was easy.
Sherbrooke is a very nice city - very busy. As is Ottawa. Pierre took us downtown to walk around the Parliament buildings. Very impressive!!
But it is always nice to come home...
See Ya Bye
Sherbrooke is a very nice city - very busy. As is Ottawa. Pierre took us downtown to walk around the Parliament buildings. Very impressive!!
But it is always nice to come home...
See Ya Bye
Thursday, September 22, 2011
We have been busy cutting up the wood that we got from Joanne and Mitch's place. There are some big logs - Rejean uses the chains to attach to the tractor and I move them to the support logs. I am getting pretty good with the tractor, if I do say so myself. I load up the loader with the cut wood and deposit them in the trailer which we then unload up on the other property where we will split it. I am not allowed to use the chain saw and I am happy with that. With the luck I have been having lately, maybe it is best that I don't ;oP We figure with this wood and the stuff we got from the big oaks down on the trail, we won't have to cut any trees down in the spring. More time to devote to the work downstairs this winter and spring. It never ends...
See Ya Bye
The leaves are really starting to turn this week up the highway. We have had a normal summer - rain when you needed it and no fire bans so the leaves are not stressed. The reds and oranges are brilliant!! I would say that the rest of September and early October is the prime time for the leaves. Now if we could just get some sunshine...
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
Previously, John could only ride by himself on his 2 wheeler (not counting Toby) but he recently added a new feature to the bike. Now, Linda can ride in comfort and never have to stop for pee breaks!! You really have to be handy to live up here. Way to go John!!!
See ya Bye
Monday, September 19, 2011
...and I think he has my name on him. I did not get a doe tag this year so this is all I can hunt. I still don't know if I will be able to pull the trigger, but it is nice to know that he is around and that I could get an opportunity to find out. But I am not holding my breath as when deer season comes around, the deer usually don't. But, we shall see this year...
Monday, September 12, 2011
This picture was taken about a week ago. Jenn and Steve were up and, along with Rick and Rejean, did some landscaping on the Point. Just another place to go to enjoy the view.
See Ya Bye
Sunday, September 11, 2011
70.46 MILES IN 23 HOURS...
...and look how beautiful she is!!! Stacey pulled out after 70.46 miles and 23 hours. The conditions were brutal to say the least. It poured all night long and rained for the majority of the race and the course was just mud and puddles. It takes courage to acknowledge that she had gone as far as she could. She took a fall on the 2nd to last loop and had to call it. I have no doubt that if the weather had been better that she would have completed the course in the alloted time.
Hard to believe these are her new shoes...we helped her off with them. She could not do it herself...
This is what your feet look like after 23 hours of running in the rain. Owwwwwwwww - it's going to take a while before these babies are better.
This is what everyone looked like from the back. All caked in mud. But I guess that is what trail running is all about - the rain did not stop anyone from heading out on the runs. There were 100 milers, 100 K, 50 Miles, 50 K, 5K, 10K, full and half marathons, yoga, hikes, free tie dye lessons. It was a very enjoyable weekend.
This is the actual winner of the 100 miler - he did it in 19 hours. There was no fanfare at the finish line - they did not announce his arrival - I just happened to be there when he came in and I figured I would get his picture and put it in my blog for all the world to see his accomplishment. He is from Ohio. They gave him a gold plated WoodStock record and a small toy size VW Love Bug. He also gets a belt buckle. He calmly walked over to his car (he was all alone) put his stuff in the car and went and took a shower. He could talk and walk as tho he never just ran 100 miles in 19 hours!! Good Job!!!
She actually wore new shoes!!! Marathoning 101 states that you never wear anything new on race day but Stacey has a different strategy - she says if you have the right shoes, you don't need to wear them in. Whatever works for you.
I think this was the first transition during the race. She is putting a bandaid on her heel which has just started to blister. Her feet were already pruning. She needed her head lamp after this. She was running thru the bush on a dark trail in the middle of the night with only her head lamp and a small hand held lite. She had a bat fly into her face during the night and she saw 3 deer and some nude runners!!! She did not have her camera working for that event ;o( They had a 5 mile run that during which, you could veer off the course and run naked for a few miles - they were also offering free bevereges to those brave enough to do so. No, I did not do this.
We took a walk around the campgroud inbetween the rain drops and came across this little beauty. I think it is just the right size for me...
Rejean got right into the festivities - we got him a nice tie-dye shirt and he actually wore it. Stacey was very happy he came to support her. There was Andrew, Rejean and myself on her support team. We were assigned duties. At every transition (each loop was 16.? miles and she had to do 6 loops) we had to get 6 gels ready, 5 electrolite capsules, dry sox, soup, Body Glide, help her to the bathroom (plastic bags around her shoes so she wouldn't get the trailer dirty). We were a good pit crew if I do say so myself.
Stacey, being married to a techy, wore all the necessary equipment that enabled us to track her every move. She wore a camera on her chest that recorded her run for the first loop. We got to watch it after her first transition. It was neat. You could see her hands move in front of her as she ran - you could see the trail and all the puddles. You could see the other runners around her. It was neat. She also had on her water pac - it enabled her to drink water thru a tube with the water bladder on her back. She had on her garmin watch and carried Andrews phone. We could watch on the computer her progress - where she had been and where she was at any given time. It recorded her time, her pace, her calories burned, her elevations - it was amazing. Her pack also carried her gels, her electrolite tablets and other stuff she might need on the trail.She also wore a flower in her hair - it is always about the outfit.
There was a bandstand set up in the campgrounds and we were serenaded all weekend long by a number of groups playing tunes from the 60s. All hippie music. The first music we heard was the Woodstock album - I sang along with all the songs. The lady was in a group called LemonJames and she was amazing. She played the national anthm just like than Jimi Hendrix did at Woodstock - remember that one? She also ran in the races. When the bands weren't playing, they played music from Hendrix, Crosby Stills, Nash and Young etc. I got my tie-dyed shirt out and fit right in.
This is a picture of Stacey's new bike on the back of their new AirStream 30 foot trailer - it was our accomodation for thursday and Friday nite at the RunWoodstock event. I bought the Canadian rainhats and leis at the Dollar Store.
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