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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Stacey, being married to a techy, wore all the necessary equipment that enabled us to track her every move. She wore a camera on her chest that recorded her run for the first loop. We got to watch it after her first transition. It was neat. You could see her hands move in front of her as she ran - you could see the trail and all the puddles. You could see the other runners around her. It was neat. She also had on her water pac - it enabled her to drink water thru a tube with the water bladder on her back. She had on her garmin watch and carried Andrews phone. We could watch on the computer her progress - where she had been and where she was at any given time. It recorded her time, her pace, her calories burned, her elevations - it was amazing. Her pack also carried her gels, her electrolite tablets and other stuff she might need on the trail.She also wore a flower in her hair - it is always about the outfit.
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