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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We got back from our weekend visit to Sherbrooke and Ottawa - we attended a funeral for Rejean's Aunt Anita. We drove first to Ottawa where we spent Friday nite, then travelled on to Sherbrooke the next day. I took French in public school but didn't retain enough to carry on any sort of conversation with the relatives. Most of Rejean's family speaks English so they included me in the majority of the conversations. They made me feel very welcome. Everything was in French during the service but at restaurants and the hotel, they do speak both English and French so that was easy.
Sherbrooke is a very nice city - very busy. As is Ottawa. Pierre took us downtown to walk around the Parliament buildings. Very impressive!!
But it is always nice to come home...
See Ya Bye
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Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Rejean's aunt, was that his mothers sister ?

northernbliss said...

It was Rejean's father's sister. She was a great lady.