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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Rejean got right into the festivities - we got him a nice tie-dye shirt and he actually wore it. Stacey was very happy he came to support her. There was Andrew, Rejean and myself on her support team. We were assigned duties. At every transition (each loop was 16.? miles and she had to do 6 loops) we had to get 6 gels ready, 5 electrolite capsules, dry sox, soup, Body Glide, help her to the bathroom (plastic bags around her shoes so she wouldn't get the trailer dirty). We were a good pit crew if I do say so myself.
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Anonymous said...

Janny, did you wear my tie dye shirt i told you about??

northernbliss said...

I had my own - that is the one I wore and a lady wanted to buy it from me!! But I said no. It has sentimental value to me.